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First ever virtual meeting open to all freight forwarders, and probably the only event hosted in 2020

First ever virtual meeting open to all freight forwarders, and probably the only event hosted in 2020

It is realistic to assume that traveling and group assemblies will still be facing severe restrictions on a global scale during at least all 2020. For this reason, the Pangea Group is announcing the celebration of their 9th edition of Freightcamp as a virtual-only event open to all the freight forwarding community.

Since Freightcamp will be one of the very few, if not the only event where the industry will be able to meet face to face, share experiences and knowledge, the organizers have exceptionally widened the scope of the event, normally reserved to Pangea Group members.

The core of the event continues to rely on the more than 3000 live online one2one meetings to be scheduled among participants, who will be able to discuss safely from their office, home or station with worldwide counterparts on present and future business cooperation. The program is complemented with panel discussions, workshops and worldwide webinars to bring additional value by commenting on the industry situation and technological tendencies and tools of interest. The agenda has been extended to cover every day the different time zones and give enough flexibility to all participants for scheduling their preferred meeting times and availability.

The supply chain and world trading are strongly impacted by the pandemic lockdowns and many affections will accompany the re-opening of export/import trading markets. More than ever freight forwarders must stay united and form part of a connected community. However, all the year-round traditional networking gatherings and global fairs such as Transport Logistics China, Intermodal South America, SITL Paris, Logimat Stuttgart, Multimodal UK, have been postponed or cancelled, leaving no opportunities to strengthen connections. Virtual alternatives need to be offered to help the logistics and shipping sector navigate the current challenges.

It is time to innovate and embrace technology, the challenge for Freightcamp is to count on the right IT support, facilitated by tailor made solutions including the entire process, from registration, scheduling, video conferencing and post meeting resourcing.

Pangea Group expects to host an in-person Freightcamp again in 2021, though exact dates remain to be decided and determined by the recommendations from the health and safety authorities.

Unprecedented times lead to unprecedented decisions. We hope the world is a much safer place soon, but it is very very unlikely that in-person events like ours can be arranged this year. Anticipating our decision has allowed us to plan ahead and to prepare this virtual alternative. Freight forwarders cannot go without the get together, the one to ones, the chatting and seeing each other so we are offering a Virtual Freightcamp for everyone, focused on maintaining the one2one meetings that year after year have brought great business success“, comments Sarah Bidmead, Network Manager at the Pangea Group.