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+3000 Virtual 1to1 Meetings from all continents.

+3000 Virtual 1to1 Meetings from all continents.

As 2020 Virtual Freightcamp has come to an end, we thank you all for the trust, confidence and openness taking part in this new experience.

During 5 days the event has included +3000 virtual 1to1 meetings, as well as other relevant content distributed in panels and webinars conducted by experienced partners, JTM Portugal, J. RONCO Y CIA, Spain, TRANSVALAIR UK and UNITEX China, focusing on business and knowledge exchange.

Not pretending to replace the personal touch, the event has been a super alternative in the current times. We have been able not only to speak about business, but to also care about each other, to learn from everyone’s situation and to share common feelings as we all face the same difficult moments.

After months of lock-downs, isolation and distancing, we hope socialising with partners and friends, even in a virtual way, has raised everyone’s spirits and brought humanity to our screens.

Thanks for the many compliments and positive feedback received, it touches us deeply after months of very hard work and stressful timelines.

Connections mean everything and we’ll be back soon-