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The Importance of Pre-scheduling your 1to1 meetings

The Importance of Pre-scheduling your 1to1 meetings

With a tailor-made and exclusive interface, every attendee at Virtual Freightcamp can have up to 30 meetings with the partners of their choice. Each meeting has a duration of 20 minutes and will be taking place during 3 days, on 8th, 9th and 10th June.

Now the point is how you can make the best of each meeting? The first step to ensuring a positive outcome from each meeting is to schedule them properly. From our virtual platform each attendee can manage the agenda in its own exact time zone, select its preferred availability and schedule up to 30 1to1 meetings before the event starts. Here is what you get out of scheduling meetings in advance instead of visiting virtual booths or just meeting someone that is online at the same time you are:

1. Meeting the right match for you.

You can only get the best out of each meeting when it is with the right business agent. Research who you want to schedule your meeting with so you make the most of your 1to1´s. Select partners from locations where you have regular moves and you are open to new cooperation, as well as locations you would like to develop and have good prospects or leads.

2. Being approached by other attendees.

Scheduling goes both ways, it does not just involve you approaching different participants, it also means being approached by other possible business partners. Just like you are studying your best meeting options and inviting your preferred freight forwarders, you can also be seen by others that want to make a connection with you. Turn their interest on you into valued proposals.

3. Find those mutual links

Once you know who you are meeting, it is important to research the mutual links you both share, find out about the company and partner you are meeting, visit their website and Linkedin profiles so that you can get the conversation going. These links like similar scope of services or specialisation, business targets or clients, can go a long way in establishing your synergy. You can even talk about the similar problems faced by all businesses alike during the pandemic and share your ideas on troubleshooting.

4. Define your objectives and achieve them!

Once your meetings with your agents of interest are scheduled, you can frame a detailed checklist for each meeting according to the partner profile, business needs, links found and expectations about the meeting in place. When you have this thoroughly laid out, you have a clear idea of what you want from each meeting and be better prepared if new points come to the “table” (or “screen”).

5. Stay focussed during the meetings

You are meeting many partners at different times and from different locations and time zones, having a clear schedule and unique platform from where everything takes place in a well-organized way is a great advantage. Thus, avoids confusions, no-shows and long waiting times during the meetings.

Join us at Freightcamp to preschedule your meetings for practical and valued 1to1 meeting sessions. REGISTER NOW >>