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What makes having virtual meetings essential for networking?

What makes having virtual meetings essential for networking?

Networking is the action or process of interacting with others to exchange information and develop professional or social contacts. Within our context, the form of interaction has many shapes, from emails, text messages, calls, to meetings, lunches and social parties. Also the way we interact can change over time, due to external factors (as we have learnt from the pandemic), technology development, regulations, etc. So, maybe we change the way we interact, but with no interaction there is no exchange, no development, no networking. Said in another way, the more channels of interaction we use, the more we network.

These lines go to those that are still reluctant on trying the new way of interaction facilitated by our virtual meetings. In the end, trying to have virtual meetings is not like trying skydiving, there is no risk and despite your preconception you will most probably find that the experience was convenient, pleasant and even satisfying. Not to mention that speaking with 20, 30 different partners has high chances of bringing opportunities, in fact it would be really strange if it doesn’t.

Virtual Freightcamp is a well structured and easy platform

When developing the virtual portal during 2020, our objective was to build a simple system that included the entire process. We know that the conception of any software solution has to be designed keeping in mind the most non-technological user, that is how we literally draw every page, function, button of our portal. The result is a system that works smoothly and is super user friendly.

There are other factors, behind our control that are also important for assuring a quality virtual event. For that, our team is in contact support if anyone needs help, the system sends automatic notifications of the start of each 1to1 meeting and in case of any no show this can be reported and we supervise immediately.

This results that during the 3 days of 1to1 meetings, all attendees are focusing on the event, the agenda and the meetings they have. Our interventions are minimal as the schedules are well followed by everyone with respect and we are proud to affirm that no shows are less than 5% of the total meetings.

Welcome new partners, open new opportunities

Despite the pandemic, we have welcomed more than 100 new members during this period that have only been able to interact with you online, mostly emails, messages, sometimes calls. Having everyone together at virtual Freightcamp is a unique opportunity for welcoming excellent new partners in a more personal way, for having a conversation and noticing if further synergies could be explored. We have already witnessed successful partnership consolidated from virtual connections, which demonstrates the power of networking with any means of interaction as long as there are mutual interest and openness.

Consolidate and care for your existing connections

During the year, you or your team are in contact with many partners for the day to day requests, quotations, operations, leads, etc. However, there is always value in spending some time to see each other even on the screen and care on how they are at a personal level, before reviewing how your cooperation is going and discuss new prospects. Maybe there have been internal changes in your company or you are offering new services that you could highlight during the meetings.

Be open and let yourself be surprised

Just like in the in person Freightcamps, there is always space for the unexpected. It will not happen during the team building, or during a coffee break or during a social dinner, however the magic of human interactions is unpredictable, also when they are virtual. You could be invited to a meeting for developing a new tradelane, you could find a partner that perfectly matches particular requirements from your customers, you could get new ideas on how others are managing current difficulties and trading instability … what is for sure, you will be meeting 30 different partners, from 30 different companies and locations, and you will end up most of those meetings with requests and prospects to work on the following months.

So, if you missed the 2 prior virtual editions of Freightcamp, you missed already too many interactions, don’t make the same mistake again and register now!